Flying: Dream It AND Do It!

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Scott 'Jake' Jacobson

Jake lives his life ready for adventure and San Diego Sky Tours allows him to share his favorite pastime with others. He served over 26 years in the US Navy as a helicopter pilot and flight instructor flying all over the world. Upon retirement from active duty he traveled extensively in Europe as an engineering manager for a major aerospace company. He feeds his relentless passion of aviation through precision aerobatics and professional instruction as a glider pilot.

Contact Details
Flight Hours & Experience

3000+ flight hours
Commercial ratings: Fixed wing, helo, glider
CFI: Helo, glider

Scott 'Jake' Jacobson

Jake lives his life ready for adventure and San Diego Sky Tours allows him to share his favorite pastime with others. He served over 26 years in the US Navy as a helicopter pilot and flight instructor flying all over the world. Upon retirement from active duty he traveled extensively in Europe as an engineering manager for a major aerospace company. He feeds his relentless passion of aviation through precision aerobatics and professional instruction as a glider pilot.



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