Flying: Dream It AND Do It!

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Extreme Aerobatics

So you want to push your limits...and our Aerobatic Thrill Ride doesn't sound aventurous enough?

So you want to push your limits...

There are aerobatics... and then there are Extreme Aerobatics!

Open cockpit aerobatics with San Diego Sky Tours are Performing!
Experiencing loops, wing overs, and rolls are often enough for the average person experiencing this for the first time… HOWEVER- you aren’t average are you?
You want more! You want to feel maneuvers in rapid succession! You want to push your limits!
The Extreme Aerobatics Tour is just what you need. In addition to the ones mentioned above, your pilot will test your mettle with added maneuvers such as hammerhead stalls and spins! 
Think you’ve got what it takes? Let’s find out! 

San Diego Sky Tours Aerobatic Thrill Ride Details

  • Enjoy the best thrill ride of your life and create lasting memories
  • Learn and see all about San Diego's city line, history and geography from a birds perspective
  • Have confidence when you fly with professional ex-military tour pilots
  • Experience easy and convenient airport access to our vintage biplane hangar



A 20 minute briefing and 40-50 min flight (approx) from Montgomery Field.  You will experience aerobatics (upside down flight, loops and rolls) and an unbelievable aerial tour of San Diego flying low level downtown and along the beaches.    Just show up at the airport, meet with the pilot in the pilot lounge for an introduction and briefing, then fly the flight!  

When you return, cold drinks are on the hangar…umm house! 


Click the booking button to see the schedule and select your preferred date and times!

GoPro Video:

In-flight GoPro video is available. Up to 4 different in-flight cameras can be used.  


Experience this adventure yourself

Experience this adventurous yourself


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