Flying: Dream It AND Do It!

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Biplane Bay and Beach Tour

This is the best aerial sightseeing tour you can get in San Diego! You will see San Diego from a perspective most can never dream of in this unforgettable 30 minute experience.  One of the ‘Top Things to Do in San Diego’ that will exceed your expectations!

One of our most popular tours! You will be prepared to se the local area from a view perspective most can never dream of in this unforgettable As one experience.  This is a favorite for both locals and visitors and will exceed you best expectations.

One of our most popular tours! Let us show you San Diego like no other tour company can. This is a favorite for both locals and visitors alike. Hands-down the BEST way to see all that America’s Finest City has to offer.

Book Your Bay & Beach Tour Today!

The Open Cockpit Biplane Experience

Biplane rides are more than just an airplane ride. You will experience the fresh air, the exhilaration of flight, a beautiful view and a special impression that will last a lifetime. Put yourself in the mindset of the Golden Era Aviator, like Charles Lindbergh, while seeing an unobstructed and thrilling view of San Diego. You don't know what you don't know yet :-)
Get ready for more than just an airplane ride. Step back in time to the Golden Age of aviation and soar over San Diego like Charles Lindbergh once did. Experience all that a BIPLANE has to offer….the open air, the exhilaration of flight and spectacular views creating memories that last a lifetime.
Book Your Bay & Beach Tour Today!

We cover ALL the San Diego landmarks:

Book Your Bay & Beach Tour Today!

Our Vintage Biplane Hangar

To put it planely (see what we did there?) …our hangar is pretty cool. SD Sky Tours pilots take pride in all our vintage decor. San Diego Sky Tours has a lounge and ‘Flight Service’ station. We provide pilot gear including leather helmets, flight suits (if desired), parachutes if needed, lockers for valuable stowage, and cold beverages and hot coffee free of charge. This hangar and lounge is perfect for your guests and family that want to share in the experience.


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